Carter The Unstoppable Sex Machine - After The Watershed

First I went to Plasma, one of my 2 favourites record stores in Buenos Aires, that moved recently a little far from my place but I had to pay them a visit. Since they just moved they were not receiving new stuff atm, but one of the guys there found this 1991 old electropop uk record in the process and it went straight to me :)
Label: Chrysalis
Catalog#: USM2
A After The Watershed (Early Learning The Hard Way)
B1 The 90's Revival
B2 A Nation Of Shoplifters
REWORK - Love Love Love Yeah
Not really happy about having only one record on my bag I went straight to Strobe, My other fav record store and the first record I played was the one I took.
Without releasing much in the last 2 years Rework on Playhouse came up with "love love love yeah", a really really darky, minimal housy record with amazing sascha hedgehog on vocals. I love her so much.
Label: Playhouse Germany
Cat No: PLAY 131
a1."Love Love Love Yeah"
b1."Bus Driver"
b2."Christiane" (interlude)
b3."So Cold"
Buy ME >>>> http://www.juno.co.uk/products/252136-01.htm&highlight=rework%20
Afew hours after I got back home with my recs I got a new mail from Strobe with the new stuff coming the next day and inside the list Riot in Belguim was there. Ive been listening a lot to their new mix for KIM that I took from one of my friends blog so I called and reserved the copy of their new vinyl, "La Musique" with an amazing remix from Adam Sky. We all love him!
Adam Sky Myspace
Label: Fine
Cat No: 88697 024907
a1."La Musique"
b1."La Musique" (Adam Sky remix)"
BUY ME >>>>> http://www.juno.co.uk/products/255642-01.htm&highlight=riot%20in%20
Jollymusic - Talco Uno (Tiefschwarz mixes!)

When I went (again) to look for my incoming riot in belgium record the place was loaded with djs looking for their new records so I decided to stay and listen a little what they were playing. while I was doing that I started looking at the "old record Boxes", which are mostly tribal and progressive crap but to my surprise I found the Jollymusic "talco uno" mixes by Tiefschwarz and I couldnt resist a second. there goes another one.
Label: Illustrious
CAT : Promo
a1.- Talco Uno (Tiefschwarz screwed up vocal)
b1.- Talco Uno (Tiefschwarz dub)
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What a weekend!
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