produced by Sasha Crnobrnja & Alex Gloor
Out January 2007 Distributed worldwide by Discograph

Clad in their usual 70s designer porno artwork, this is the first single for 2007 from In Flagranti. Over the past couple of years they've worked out their own fiendish derivative of techno, house and disco, cutting a niche of decidedly knave-ish tracks. Although utterly original, "Intergalactic Bubblegum" sounds like some sci-fi disco track crossed with a Throbbing Gristle outtake and "EFX 10-11" is Chicago techno meets the BBC Radiophonic Workshop. B-side Bipolar is interesting indeed, a collection of strange synthwave which occasionally settles down into a nu disco groover. -
sasha crnobrnja and alex gloor return with a follow up to last years ''wronger than anyone else'' 12 with g.rizo on vocals this is a sexy and slow burning classic - good mash of knock on wood. -
In Flagranti's first release in 2007 features G. Rizo ("the queen of the galaxy|) with a punky ESG-ish rap over a backing based on Amii Stewart's hi-NRG anthem "Knock On Wood". Its very good!! "EFX IO-II" is more of a bass n bleep rave track whilst on the flip "BiPolar" is a spacy Italo instrumental - Kano meets Pete Shelley. An impressive record that is a perfect encapsulation of the New York buzz!
Great sleeve too!

* 1 Intergalactic Bubblegum
* 2 Efx - 10-11
* 3 Bipolar
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